Blog 2023#

🗓️ April, 2023#

Geophysical prospection in a Dehesa#

Early April 2023, I organized conjointly with H. Nieto from tec4AGR0[^1] part of the CSIC-ICA[^2] lab, geophysical field work in the Majada de Tiétar, a tree-grass ecosystem research station (located in Extremadura, Spain). During 3 days, we collected ERT transects and EM data covering a large area around the three eddy covariance towers. The site is pooling ressources to collect atmospheric, soil and ecological traits, through collaborative efforts from Fundación CEAM, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), University of Extremadura, and Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry.

Learn more about Majada de Tiétar


Fig. 13 ERT transect with the EC tower © B. Mary#

This research contributes to the expanding field of applied geophysics in ecology, enhancing our understanding of water-energy-vegetation interactions in terrestrial ecosystems for improved water resource management.

Check this out!

Loiseau et al., 2023. SUBMITTED, The geophysical toolbox applied to forest ecosystems – a review [STOTEN]

The specific objectives of the mission were twofold:

  • Identify soil spatial lateral and vertical heterogeneity due to the presence of vegetation;

  • Identify effect of land-use on the soil water dynamic in the dehesa.

The initial findings are promising, revealing intriguing distinct patterns related to land use strategies and the identification of a non-continuous clay layer. The next step is to repeat the measurements in order to hihlight time-lapse changes in soil response between the wet and after the dry season.

Many thanks to all people who contributed to this field work! See you in September.


Fig. 14 EM explorer assembling by L. Peruzzo. © B. Mary#

[^1] Grupo Tecnologías Geoespaciales y de Precisión para una Agricultura Sostenible

[^2] Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias