Last edited: december 4th, 2021
My career book in a nutshell#
Hello my name is Benjamin. I’m a Marie-Curie fellow interested in geophysics applied to agronomy. I like to develop open-source tools for open and reproducible science in agrogeophysic.
Why an interactive book?
This book is a compilation of my early career work as a geophysicist in academia. I thought my research would be more FAIRly illustrated/evaluating using an interactive book. And I ❤️ the Jupyter-book initiative so it was a good opportunity to learn how to use it! Hope you have fun reading it!
I consider an important step in my early career occured after moving towards Open Science. This change of perspective has been triggered while I was working on my Marie-Curie fellowship, remotely from France during the Covid-19 pandemic and I needed access to data. I investigate how we can produce more FAIR data in geophysics and found very inspiring people paving the way.
Give an overview of my contributions in terms of article, teaching and public outreach engagement.
Show interactive example of the main codes I’m routinely and actively developing.
Highlights moments of my research covering different topics such as field acquisition, new code development, project milestone etc…
I’d love to hear from you!
I am always interested in new collaborations and interesting projects. I’d love to hear from you if your project or idea could benefit from my expertise in monitoring, data analysis, inverse problems…
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