Research interests#

Last edited: December 4th, 2023

Soil-plant-Atmosphere interactions πŸŒ±πŸŒ³πŸŒ€οΈπŸ’§#

Refining ET estimates and WUE#

In 2023, I became a part of the Tech4Agro team, where my role involves connecting geophysics with remote sensing (RS). I concentrate on root zone soil moisture, specifically delving into the possibilities of utilizing electrical conductivity to enhance evapotranspiration estimates.

I contribute to 3 projects:

  • GRwater: Multiscale earth critical zone monitoring for post-fire forest ecosystem management

  • EO4WUE: Earth observation tools for the evaluation and management of water efficiency and productivity in Mediterranean grasslands and cereal crops

  • [EOMAJI](Projects/project_list_others.html#EO AFRICA EO-MAJI (πŸ—“οΈ 2023-2024)): Earth Observation system to Manage Africa’s food systems by Joint-knowledge of crop production and Irrigation digitization

  • MULTIWATER: MULTI-sensor WATer resource management and Sentinel Expansion missions End-user Readiness


Since the end of my phd in 2015, my research interests mainly focus on improving our understanding of the role of the roots in regulating water in the SPAC using experimental non-destructive approaches (see Fig. 1).

I contributed to 5 projects:

  • [EOMAJI](Projects/project_list_others.html#EO AFRICA EO-MAJI (πŸ—“οΈ 2023-2024)): Earth Observation system to Manage Africa’s food systems by Joint-knowledge of crop production and Irrigation digitization

  • WWV: Wallonia Water Vineyard

  • GROWING: Geophysical Roots Obervations for Water SavING

  • WASA: Water Saving in Agriculture (2016 - 2019)

  • ROOTS: Rhizosphere Observations Optimizing Terrestrial Sequestration

  • SoCoRisk : Implementation of soil compaction risk assessment system – end-user’s evaluation of potentials and barriers


Fig. 1 Artistic picture of the vine plant growing under neons’lights during a lab experiment Β© B. Mary#

Forest management#

  • GRwater: Multiscale earth critical zone monitoring for post-fire forest ecosystem management

Earth Critical Zone Hydrology#

  • ECZ-DRY: New Technologies to monitor the earth critical zone in water-limited ecosystems

  • WATSON : WATer isotopeS in the critical zONe: from groundwater recharge to plant transpiration

Geohazards β›°πŸŒŠπŸœοΈ#

I also like to solve other typical geophysical problematic such as geohazard assessment (landslide monitoring, landfill leakage detection). Field work is a great opportunity to make some sport and change its point of view (see Fig. 2)


Fig. 2 Picture at the top of the val fredda catchment in Italy during EM imaging method trial. Β© B. Mary#

FAIR and reproducible research πŸš€πŸŽ‰#

Finally, I’m really enthusiastic with all the splendid initiatives and tools towards a more . I’m trying to join the movement building reproducible research (see Fig. 3).

I contributed to open source codes


Fig. 3 Logo of the CAGS (Catalog of Agrogeophysical Studies) promoting FAIR practicies in agrogeophysic Β© B. Mary#



The soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) is the pathway for water moving from soil through plants to the atmosphere. (source wikipedia)