Others projects#
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Last edited, November 8th, 2023
EO AFRICA EO-MAJI (🗓️ 2023-2024)#
EOMAJI: Earth Observation system to Manage Africa’s food systems by Joint- knowledge of crop production and Irrigation digitization
Action Chair: Hector Nieto (for CSIC)
Role: Contributing researcher to modeling activities, article redaction.
WP1: Data collection and curation: EO and in situ
WP3A: Prototype development - Phase A
WP3B: Roadmap to Sentinel Candidate Missions - Phase A

EO4WUE (🗓️ 2023-2024)#
EO4WUE: Earth observation tools for the evaluation and management of water efficiency and productivity in Mediterranean grasslands and cereal crops
Action Chair: Hector Nieto, Prof. María Pilar Martín
Role: Contributing researcher to modeling activities, article redaction.
WP1: Data Collection. In situ, EO data, EC data & yield
WP3: ET maps and derived metrics TSEB/3SEB, stomata conductance & water stress metrics

WATSON (🗓️ 09/2022 - 09/2024)#
WATSON: WATer isotopeS in the critical zONe: from groundwater recharge to plant transpiration
Action Chair: Prof. Daniele Penna
Role: Contributing researcher to modeling activities, article redaction.
Spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater recharge and soil water mixing processes
Spatio-temporal patterns of water sources used by vegetation
Catchment-scale water residence time and travel times
Networking and dissemination

ROOTS (🗓️ 2021 - Now)#
ROOTS: Rhizosphere Observations Optimizing Terrestrial Sequestration
PIs: E. Brodie, A. Persaud, Y. Wu
Role: Contributing researcher to modeling activities, article redaction.
Goal: An EEG for plants

As advanced as agriculture has become, there remains a pressing need for nondestructive ways to ”see” into the soil. Now the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) has awarded $4.6 million to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) for two innovative projects to address this gap, giving farmers important information to increase crop yields while also promoting the storage of carbon in soil.
By Julie Chao, Berkeley Lab

Fig. 9 Two Berkeley Lab projects to “see” into the soil. © KateLeigh/istock.com#
SoCoRisk (🗓️ 01/03/2021 - 28/02/2024)#
SoCoRisk: Implementation of soil compaction risk assessment system – end-user’s evaluation of potentials and barriers

PIs: M. Lamandé - Aarhus University, Denmark, F. Morari - University of Padua, Italy
Role: Contributing researcher to experimental activities, article redaction.
Goal: Implementation of soil compaction risk assessment system – end-user’s evaluation of potentials and barriers
ECZ-DRY (🗓️ 2019 - 2021)#
ECZ-Dry: New Technologies to monitor the earth critical zone in water-limited ecosystems
PIs: G. Cassiani, Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Geoscienze & Israeli Principal Investigator
Role: Contributing researcher to experimental activities, report redaction.
Goal: New Technologies To Monitor The Earth Critical Zone In Water-Limited Ecosystems
Consortium: Italy/Israel

Fig. 10 View of the Acacia trees in the Arava desert (Israel) © B. Mary#