Articles & Comm.#
Last edited, December 8th, 2023
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🗞 Peer-reviewed articles#
🗓️ 2024
In preparation
M. Palladino, B. Sica, B. Mary, G. Cassiani, J. Boaga, S. Chiavarini, J. Rimauro, A. Salluzzo, G. Armiento, N. Romano*. A monitoring and modeling study to support an environmentally effective technique for reducing VOCs concentration from groundwater for irrigation purposes
Peruzzo, L., Chou, C., Hubbard, S. S., Brodie, E., Uhlemann, S., Dafflon, B., et al. (2024). Outdoor mesoscale fabricated ecosystems: Rationale, design, and application to evapotranspiration. Science of The Total Environment 957, 177565. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177565
Burchard-Levine, V., Borra-Serrano, I., Peña, J. M., Kustas, W. P., Guerra, J. G., Dorado, J., et al. (2024). Evaluating the precise grapevine water stress detection using unmanned aerial vehicles and evapotranspiration-based metrics. Irrig Sci. doi: 10.1007/s00271-024-00931-9
Pavoni, M., Boaga, J., Peruzzo, L., Barone, I., Mary, B., and Cassiani, G. (2024). Characterization of a contaminated site using hydro-geophysical methods: from large-scale ert surface investigations to detailed ert and gpr cross-hole monitoring. Water 16, 1280. doi: 10.3390/w16091280
Blanchy, G., McLachlan, P., Mary, B., Censini, M., Boaga, J., and Cassiani, G. (2024). Comparison of multi-coil and multi-frequency frequency domain electromagnetic induction instruments. Front. Soil Sci. 4, 1239497. doi: 10.3389/fsoil.2024.1239497
🗓️ 2023
Gu, H., Cseresnyés, I., Butnor, J. R., Li, B., Mary, B., Sun, H., et al. (2023). High frequency soil polarization can phenotype crop roots noninvasively. doi: 10.1101/2023.01.12.523853.
Chou, C., Peruzzo, L., Falco, N., Hao, Z., Mary, B., Wang, J., et al. (2023). Improving evapotranspiration computation with electrical resistivity tomography in a maize field. Vadose Zone Journal, e20290.doi:10.1002/vzj2.20290.
Mary, B., Iván, V., Meggio, F., Peruzzo, L., Blanchy, G., Chou, C., et al. (2023). Imaging of the electrical activity in the root zone under limited-water-availability stress: a laboratory study for Vitis vinifera. Biogeosciences 20, 4625–4650.doi:10.5194/bg-20-4625-2023.
Mary, B., Sottani, A., Boaga, J., Camerin, I., Deiana, R., and Cassiani, G. (2023). Non-invasive investigations of closed landfills: An example in a karstic area. Science of The Total Environment 905, 167083. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167083.
Loiseau, B., Carrière, S. D., Jougnot, D., Singha, K., Mary, B., Delpierre, N., et al. (2023). The geophysical toolbox applied to forest ecosystems – A review. Science of The Total Environment 899, 165503.doi:0.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165503.
🗓️ 2022
Carrera, A., Longo, M., Piccoli, I., Mary, B., Cassiani, G., and Morari, F. (2022). Electro-Magnetic Geophysical Dynamics under Conservation and Conventional Farming. Remote Sensing 14, 6243. doi: 10.3390/rs14246243.doi:10.3390/rs14246243
Mary, B., Peruzzo, L., Wu, Y., and Cassiani, G. (2022). Advanced Potential Field Analysis Applied to Mise‐à‐la‐Masse Surveys for Leakage Detection. JGR Solid Earth 127. doi:10.1029/2022JB024747
Dimech, A., Cheng, L., Chouteau, M., Chambers, J., Uhlemann, S., Wilkinson, P., et al. (2022). A Review on Applications of Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography Over the Last 30 Years : Perspectives for Mining Waste Monitoring. Surv Geophys. doi:10.1007/s10712-022-09731-2
🗓️ 2021
Mary, B., Peruzzo, L., Iván, V., Facca, E., Manoli, G., Putti, M., et al. (2021). Combining Models of Root-Zone Hydrology and Geoelectrical Measurements: Recent Advances and Future Prospects. Front. Water 3, 767910. doi:10.3389/frwa.2021.767910.
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Garré, S., Hyndman, D., Mary, B., and Werban, U. (2021). Geophysics conquering new territories: The rise of “agrogeophysics.” Vadose zone j. 20. doi:10.1002/vzj2.20115.
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Peruzzo, L., Liu, X., Chou, C., Blancaflor, E. B., Zhao, H., Ma, X., et al. (2021). Three‐channel electrical impedance spectroscopy for field‐scale root phenotyping. Plant phenome j. 4.doi:10.1002/ppj2.20021.
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🗓️ 2020
Peruzzo, L., Chou, C., Wu, Y., Schmutz, M., Mary, B., Wagner, F. M., et al. (2020). Imaging of plant current pathways for non-invasive root Phenotyping using a newly developed electrical current source density approach. Plant Soil 450, 567–584. doi:10.1007/s11104-020-04529-w.
Mary, B., Peruzzo, L., Boaga, J., Cenni, N., Schmutz, M., Wu, Y., et al. (2020). Time-lapse monitoring of root water uptake using electrical resistivity tomography and Mise-à-la-Masse: a vineyard infiltration experiment. Soils and plants doi:10.5194/soil-6-95-2020.
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🗓️ <= 2019
Mary, B., Vanella, D., Consoli, S., and Cassiani, G. (2019). Assessing the extent of citrus trees root apparatus under deficit irrigation via multi-method geo-electrical imaging. Sci Rep 9, 9913. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46107-w
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Mary, B., Peruzzo, L., Boaga, J., Schmutz, M., Wu, Y., Hubbard, S. S., et al. (2018). Small-scale characterization of vine plant root water uptake via 3-D electrical resistivity tomography and mise-à-la-masse method. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 22, 5427–5444.doi:10.5194/hess-22-5427-2018.
Mary, B., Abdulsamad, F., Saracco, G., Peyras, L., Vennetier, M., Mériaux, P., et al. (2017). Improvement of coarse root detection using time and frequency induced polarization: from laboratory to field experiments. Plant Soil 417, 243–259. doi:10.1007/s11104-017-3255-4.
Mary, B., Saracco, G., Peyras, L., Vennetier, M., Mériaux, P., and Camerlynck, C. (2016). Mapping tree root system in dikes using induced polarization: Focus on the influence of soil water content. Journal of Applied Geophysics 135, 387–396.doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.05.005.
Mary, B., Saracco, G., Peyras, L., Vennetier, M., Mériaux, P., and Baden, D. (2015). Preliminary Use of Ultrasonic Tomography Measurement to Map Tree Roots Growing in Earth Dikes. Physics Procedia 70, 965–969.doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2015.08.201.
Vennetier, M., Zanetti, C., Meriaux, P., and Mary, B. (2015). Tree root architecture: new insights from a comprehensive study on dikes. Plant Soil 387, 81–101. doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2272-9.
🎤 Communications#
Participation every year to international (AGU and EGU) and national conferences.
🗓️ 2025
M. Herrezuelo et al. Yield estimation in barley and wheat plots using Sentinel-2-derived biophysical traits and water availability metrics: Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture products (2025). Living Planet Symposium 2025.
H. Nieto, V. Burchard, B. Mary. M. Herrezuelo, R. Guzinski. Evaluating Water and Energy Fluxes Using ECOSTRESS LST Imagery: Validation Against the ICOS’ Warm Winter 2020 Database (2025). Living Planet Symposium 2025.
V. Burchard-Levine, H. Nieto, M.Pilar Martín, B. Mary, M.Dolores Raya-Sereno, M. Herrezuelo, A. Carrara. Implementing the three-source energy balance model with Copernicus-based inputs for improved evapotranspiration modeling over savanna ecosystems (2025). Living Planet Symposium 2025.
R. Guzinski, H. Nieto, B. Mary, C. Kittel, M. Munk. Mapping of irrigation practices with current and future Sentinel satellites (2025). Living Planet Symposium 2025.
L. Peruzzo, et al.. 2D and 3D ERT infiltration tests reveal water preferential flow and successive capillary redistribution along a vegetated hillslope (2025). GELMON2025.
🗓️ 2024
A. Soszynska, et al.. Earth Observation system to Manage Africa’s food systems by Joint-knowledge of crop production and Irrigation digitization (2024). ESA ESRIN 2024.
B. Mary et al.. A synthetic study for irrigation delimitation and accounting using (2024). ESA ESRIN 2024.
M. A. Herrezuelo Bermúdez, V. F. Burchard Levine, B. Mary, H. Nieto Solana (2024). Harvest estimation in barley and wheat plots using Sentinel-2 Imagery. ESA Roma 2024.
G. Cassiani, L. Peruzzo, M. Censini, B. Mary, and V. Iván (2024). Non-invasive monitoring of plant root activities in the framework of the Earth’s Critical Zone and soil-plant-atmosphere interactions. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
L. Peruzzo, B. Mary, V. Burchard Levine, J. Guerra, M. A. Herrezuelo Bermúdez, R. Lovera, A. Casas, G. Cassiani, H. Nieto, J. M. Peña (2024). Identification of long-term irrigation effect on plant water use from geophysical and proximal sensing observations: example of a vineyard. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
M. A. Herrezuelo Bermúdez, V. F. Burchard Levine, B. Mary, H. Nieto Solana (2024). Estimación de la cosecha en parcelas de cebada y trigo mediante teledetección. ICA Jornadas 2024 (Madrid, Spain)
B. Mary, V. F. Burchard Levine (2024). . Seminarios ICA 2024 (Madrid, Spain)
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H. Nieto Solana, B. Mary, M. A. Herrezuelo Bermúdez, V. F. Burchard Levine (2024). Un esquema en Código Abierto para el seguimiento de la evapotranspiración real con datos Copernicus. AET 2024 (Cadiz, Spain)
M. A. Herrezuelo Bermúdez, V. F. Burchard Levine, B. Mary, H. Nieto Solana (2024). Estimación del rendimiento en parcelas de cebada y trigo mediante imágenes de Sentinel-2. AET 2024 (Cadiz, Spain)
V. Burchard-Levine, H. Nieto, M. P. Martín, R. Gonzalez-Cascon, B. Mary, M. D. Raya-Sereno, D. Riaño, M. Herrezuelo, D. Pfitzer, A. Carrara (2024). Evaluación de un modelo de balance energético de tres fuentes para estimar los flujos de agua y energía en ecosistemas de dehesa mediante imágenes de satélite Copernicus AET 2024 (Cadiz, Spain)
B. Mary, L. Delval, J. S. Bates, Miguel(1), M. A. Herrezuelo Bermúdez, V. F. Burchard Levine, H. Nieto Solana , M. Javaux (2024). Exploring water dynamics in a vineyard: a case study utilizing UAV thermal imaging for ET-metrics. AET 2024 (Cadiz, Spain)
🗓️ 2023
Loiseau, B., Carriere, S. D., Jougnot, D., Singha, K., Mary, B., Delpierre, N., & Martin-StPaul, N. K. (2023). From characterizing water content to dynamics of forest ecosystems, geophysics has a lot to offer!. AGU23.
Carrera A., Peruzzo L., Mary B., Cassiani G., Morari F. Monitoring soil compaction during a controlled irrigation experiment using multiple hydrogeophysical data. Agriculture and geophysics: Illuminating the subsurface! ETH Zürich, Switzerland 1st and 2nd February 2024
Loiseau, B., Carrière, S. D., Jougnot, D., Singha, K., Mary, B., Delpierre, N., et al. (2023). Utilisation de la géophysique de proche-surface pour étudier les écosystemes forestiers. 13e Colloque GEOFCAN. 7 et 8 novembre 2023, Strasbourg
A. Carrera, M. Longo, I. Piccoli, B. Mary, G. Cassiani, F. Morari. On the use of ERT and EMI for the assessment of hydrological impacts of different agricultural practices. The 41st National Conference of the GNGTS. 7th - 9th of February 2023 in Bologna.
Cassiani et al The “true” meaning of Hydrogeophysics: integration of geophysical data with hydrological modeling. INTRUSION 2023. 3-5 juillet 2023. Campus Universitario Ernesto Quagliariello, Bari, Italy.
Mary, B., Kaffas, K., Censini, M., Manca di Villahermosa, F. S., Dani, A., Verdone, M., Preti, F., Trucchi, P., Penna, D., and Cassiani, G.: Improved extraction of hydrologic information from geophysical data during an artificial hillslope infiltration, A European vision for hydrological observations and experimentation, Naples, Italy, 12–15 Jun 2023, GC8-Hydro-56,, 2023.
(Withdrawn) Mary, B., Kaffas, K., Censini, M., Manca di Villahermosa, F. S., Dani, A., Verdone, M., Preti, F., Trucchi, P., Penna, D., and Cassiani, G.: Supporting subsurface preferential flow in a small forested catchment from geophysical data and hydrological modelling , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5954, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5954, 2023.
Mary, B. pyCATHY: a python wrapper for Data Assimilation in CATHY. CATchment HYdrology (CATHY) days. May 31st and June 1st, 2023 in San Vito di Cadore (IT).
🗓️ 2022
Iván, V., Mary, B., Schwartz, N., Ghinassi, M., and Cassiani, G.: Spectral Induced Polarization: Laboratory measurements on artificial soils with varying water saturation, salinity and clay content, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5638, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5638, 2022.
Mary, B., Botto, A., Iván, V., Peruzzo, L., Chou, C., Wu, Y., Cassiani, G., and Camporese, M.: Assimilation of ERT data to improve Feddes parameters in a hydrological model during a root water uptake experiment, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6648, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6648, 2022.
🗓️ 2021
Cassiani, G., Mary, B., Boaga, J., Barone, I., and Ivan, V. (2021). Geophysical Imaging of the Root Zone: Methods, Implications and Outlook. in NSG2021 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (Hybrid, France: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers), 1–5. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.202120198.
Mary, B., Iván, V., and Cassiani, G.: Root system monitoring using a mise-à-la-masse (MALM) extension to time-domain IP, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2839, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2839.
Iván, V., Mary, B., Blanchy, G., Weigand, M., and Garré, S.: Supporting successful data and codes sharing practices in agrogeophysics, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12526, doi:10.5194/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12526.
🗓️ <= 2020
B. Mary: The GROWING project, Gembloux seminar ‘Geophysics & Agriculture: the perfect match?’ on January 31st, 2020.
B. Mary, F. Meggio, G. Blanchy, N. Cainelli, L. Peruzzo, J. Boaga, Y. Wu, S. Hubbard, B. Ruperti, A. Binley, G. Cassiani: Highlighting Grapevine Root Activity During a Partial Root Zone Drying in Rhizotron Using Geo-electrical Methods. AGU General Assembly (NS31A-0764) December 2019. Bibcode: 2019AGUFMNS31A0764M
B. Mary, J. Boaga, G. Cassiani, R. Deiana, Non-invasive investigation below an exhausted landfill located in karstic area, 38° convegno nazionale del GNGTS si terrà, Roma, Italy – November 2019 conference proceedings pdf - p.
M. Palladino, B. Sica, S. Chiavarini, J. Rimauro, A. Salluzzo, B. Mary, J. Boaga, G. Cassiani, N. Romano, On reducing VOCs concentration from groundwater for irrigation purposes: A detailed monitoring program to test the stripping efficiency of a sprinkler system, in 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and I, in Naples, Italy – June 2019
Boaga J., Mary, B., Peruzzo L., Schmutz M., Wu Y., Hubbard SS, Cassiani G., 3D electrical resistivity tomography and Mise-à-la-Masse method as tools for the characterization of vine roots, In Fall AGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2019
B. Mary, Geological settings characterization of a contaminated area in an urban context, 37° convegno nazionale del GNGTS si terrà, Bologna, Italy – November 2018 doi:0.6084/m9.figshare.19111823
Mary, B., Boaga J., Peruzzo L., Schmutz M., Wu Y., Hubbard SS, Cassiani G., Small scale characterization of vine plant root zone via 3D electrical resistivity tomography and Mise-à-la-Masse method: a case study in a Bordeaux Vineyard, In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.PICO & proceedings
Mary, B., Saracco, G., Peyras, L., Vennetier, M., & Mériaux, P., Assessing vulnerability to vegetation growth on earth dikes using geophysical investigations, In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 17, p. 15388).
Mary, B., Vers le développement d’une méthode géophysique pour la détection de racines ligneuses implantée dans les sols d’ouvrages hydrauliques, Journées GFHN (Groupe Francophone Humidimétrie et TraNsferts en Milieux Poreux) Poster & proceedings
Mary, B., Assessing vulnerability to vegetation growth on earth dikes using geophysical investigations, OT-Med Progress Meeting - Carry-Le-Rouet (FRANCE)
Mary, B., Preliminary use of induced polarization measurement to study tree roots growing in earth dikes, 3rd International Workshop on Induced Polarization.
Invited working group
Mary, B. An Open Catalogue to promote and guide agrogeophysics. Oral Presentation (Online). Biogeophysics for Climate Resilient Viticulture, January 27, 2022.
Invited seminars
Padua University (Geosciences Department), Italy April 8th: Mary, B., From roots to landscape: integrating bio-geophysics with remote sensing to better understand vegetation water stress in agro-ecosystems. Link
ETH Zürich, Switzerland 1st and 2nd February 2024 (Agriculture and geophysics: Illuminating the subsurface!): Mary, B., Monitoring and modelling root-zone processes with geoelectrical methods. Link
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Madrid UPM, November 2022: Mary, B., The geophysical toolbox applied to the root zone: Methods, Implications and Outlook. Link
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📊 Slides repository - 10.6084/m9.figshare.21594255.v1
Paris UPMC, November 2021: Mary, B., Geophysical Imaging of the Root Zone: challenging but still worth a try! In UMR METIS conference.
Paris UPMC, 25 mars 2015: Mary, B., Assessing vulnerability to vegetation growth on earth dikes using geophysical investigations. In UMR METIS conference.
Keynote presentation for the GLOBAQUA project conference (Agadir, Morocco, October 2018)
Keynote presentation for the Hydrogeophysics for the critical zone EGU PICO session (2018)
The use of hydro-geophysical monitoring for the identification of root-water-uptake patterns: ERT and MALM experiments in a vineyard, In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
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