Go to the end to download the full example code.
Update with distributed atmospheric bc#
Weill, S., et al. « Coupling Water Flow and Solute Transport into a Physically-Based Surface–Subsurface Hydrological Model ». Advances in Water Resources, vol. 34, no 1, janvier 2011, p. 128‑36. (Crossref),
This example shows how to use pyCATHY object to create spatially and temporally variable atmbc conditions
Estimated time to run the notebook = 5min
# !! run preprocessor change the DEM shape !
# dtm_13 does not have the same shape anymore!
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyCATHY.meshtools as mt
from pyCATHY import cathy_tools
from pyCATHY.importers import cathy_inputs as in_CT
from pyCATHY.importers import cathy_outputs as out_CT
from pyCATHY.plotters import cathy_plots as cplt
🏁 Initiate CATHY object
😟 src files not found
working directory
📥 Fetch cathy src files
📥 Fetch cathy prepro src files
📥 Fetch cathy input files
🍳 gfortran compilation
👟 Run preprocessor
searching the dtm_13.val input file...
assigned nodata value = -9999.0000000000000
number of processed cells = 400
...wbb completed
csort I...
dem modifications = 0
dem modifications = 0 (total)
csort II...
contour curvature threshold value = 9.99999996E+11
mean (min,max) facet slope = 0.052056253 ( 0.020000000, 0.053851648)
the drainage direction of the outlet cell ( 8 ) is used
saving the data in the basin_b/basin_i files...
...rn completed
Select the header type:
0) None
1) ESRI ascii file
2) GRASS ascii file
(Ctrl C to exit)
Select the nodata value:
(Ctrl C to exit)
Select the pointer system:
1) HAP system
2) Arc/Gis system
(Ctrl C to exit)
-> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dem file
min value = 0.335000E+00
max value = 0.100000E+01
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.667500E+00
writing the output file...
lakes_map file
min value = 0
max value = 0
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.000000
writing the output file...
zone file
min value = 1
max value = 1
number of cells = 400
mean value = 1.000000
writing the output file...
dtm_w_1 file
min value = 0.515524E+00
max value = 0.100000E+01
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.607575E+00
writing the output file...
dtm_w_2 file
min value = 0.000000E+00
max value = 0.484476E+00
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.392425E+00
writing the output file...
dtm_p_outflow_1 file
min value = 4
max value = 8
number of cells = 400
mean value = 4.200000
writing the output file...
dtm_p_outflow_2 file
min value = 0
max value = 9
number of cells = 400
mean value = 6.792500
writing the output file...
A_inflow file
min value = 0.000000000000E+00
max value = 0.997499787031E+02
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.388447785378E+01
writing the output file...
dtm_local_slope_1 file
min value = 0.200000E-01
max value = 0.500000E-01
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.485000E-01
writing the output file...
dtm_local_slope_2 file
min value = 0.000000E+00
max value = 0.494975E-01
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.400930E-01
writing the output file...
dtm_epl_1 file
min value = 0.500000E+00
max value = 0.500000E+00
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.500000E+00
writing the output file...
dtm_epl_2 file
min value = 0.000000E+00
max value = 0.707107E+00
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.572757E+00
writing the output file...
dtm_kSs1_sf_1 file
min value = 0.240040E+02
max value = 0.240040E+02
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.240040E+02
writing the output file...
dtm_kSs1_sf_2 file
min value = 0.000000E+00
max value = 0.240040E+02
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.194432E+02
writing the output file...
dtm_Ws1_sf file
min value = 0.100000E+01
max value = 0.100000E+01
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.100000E+01
writing the output file...
dtm_Ws1_sf_2 file
min value = 0.000000E+00
max value = 0.100000E+01
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.810000E+00
writing the output file...
dtm_b1_sf file
min value = 0.000000E+00
max value = 0.000000E+00
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.000000E+00
writing the output file...
dtm_y1_sf file
min value = 0.000000E+00
max value = 0.000000E+00
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.000000E+00
writing the output file...
dtm_hcID file
min value = 0
max value = 0
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.000000
writing the output file...
dtm_q_output file
min value = 0
max value = 0
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.000000
writing the output file...
dtm_nrc file
min value = 0.100000E+01
max value = 0.100000E+01
number of cells = 400
mean value = 0.100000E+01
writing the output file...
...mrbb completed
writing file river_net.shp
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling:
🔄 Update parm file
────────────────────────── ⚠ warning messages above ⚠ ──────────────────────────
['Adjusting TMAX with respect to time of interests requested\n']
🔄 Update file
🔄 Update dem_parameters file
🔄 Update dem_parameters file
🛠 Recompile src files [6s]
🍳 gfortran compilation [11s]
👟 Run processor
b'\n\n IPRT1=3: Program terminating after output of X, Y, Z coordinate values\n'
grid3d = simu.read_outputs('grid3d')
DEM, dem_header = simu.read_inputs('dem')
t_atmbc = [0,86400]
v_atmbc = np.zeros(int(grid3d['nnod']))
v_atmbc[0:int(len(np.zeros(int(grid3d['nnod'])))/2)] = 1e-7
v_atmbc_mat = np.reshape(v_atmbc,[21,21])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# np.shape([v_atmbc]*len(t_atmbc))

🔄 Update atmbc
🔄 Update parm file
# cplt.show_spatial_atmbc()
🔄 Update parm file
🛠 Recompile src files [12s]
🍳 gfortran compilation [18s]
👟 Run processor
path=simu.workdir + "/atmbc_spatially_timely_from_weill/vtk/",

plot pressure
figure saved/home/runner/work/pycathy_wrapper/pycathy_wrapper/examples/SSHydro/../SSHydro//atmbc_spatially_timely_from_weill/vtk/101.vtkpressure.png
- cplt.show_vtk(
unit=”saturation”, timeStep=2, notebook=False, path=simu.workdir + “/atmbc_spatially_timely_from_weil/vtk/”, savefig=True,
Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 49.103 seconds)