

Pedophysical transformations


Archie_rho_DA([rFluid_Archie, sat, ...])

Compute ER values at each mesh nodes.

CATHY_2_Resipy(mesh_CATHY, mesh_Resipy[, ...])

CATHY_2_pg(mesh_CATHY, ERT_meta_dict[, ...])

Interpolate CATHY mesh attribute to pygimli mesh.

SW_2_ERa_DA(project_name, ArchieParms, ...)

Data Assimilation Map saturation water from CATHY model to apparent Electrical Resistivities 1. Import/read CATHY sw file result 2. Convert SW to ER uisng Archie law 3. Fwd ERT model to obtain apparent resistivities (predicted observation for DA)

get_Archie_ens_i(ArchieParms, Ens_nb)

Return Archie parameter for a given ensemble (if ensemble exist)

get_sw_ens_i(path_fwd_CATHY, **kwargs)

Return sw array for a given ensemble (if ensemble exist)

print(*objects[, sep, end, file, flush])

Print object(s) supplied via positional arguments.