Source code for ERT.petro_Archie

"""Pedophysical transformations"""

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyvista as pv
import rich.console
from rich import print

from pyCATHY import meshtools as mt
from pyCATHY.ERT import simulate_ERT as simuERT
from pyCATHY.importers import cathy_outputs as out_CT
from pyCATHY.meshtools import CATHY_2_pg, CATHY_2_Resipy

[docs] def get_sw_ens_i(path_fwd_CATHY, **kwargs): """Return sw array for a given ensemble (if ensemble exist)""" # Get the state vector from kwargs if existing otherwise read output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if "df_sw" in kwargs: df_sw = kwargs["df_sw"] else: df_sw, _ = out_CT.read_sw(os.path.join(path_fwd_CATHY, "output/sw")) # case of open Loop where df_sw is list of nb of assimilation time length # ------------------------------------------------------------------- if "time_ass" in kwargs: time_ass = kwargs["time_ass"] df_sw = df_sw.iloc[time_ass, :] DA_cnb = time_ass # case of sequential assimilation # ------------------------------------------------------------------- else: df_sw = df_sw.iloc[-1, :] # take the last time # (in case the sw file contains intermediate times for plotting observations) return df_sw.values
[docs] def get_Archie_ens_i(ArchieParms, Ens_nb): """Return Archie parameter for a given ensemble (if ensemble exist)""" ArchieParms2parse = {} if len(ArchieParms["rFluid_Archie"]) > 1: for p in [ "porosity", "rFluid_Archie", "a_Archie", "m_Archie", "n_Archie", "pert_sigma_Archie", ]: ArchieParms2parse[p] = [ArchieParms[p][Ens_nb]] else: ArchieParms2parse = ArchieParms return ArchieParms2parse
[docs] def SW_2_ERa_DA( project_name, ArchieParms, porosity, ERT_meta_dict, path_fwd_CATHY, **kwargs ): """ Data Assimilation ----------------- Map saturation water from CATHY model to apparent Electrical Resistivities 1. Import/read CATHY sw file result 2. Convert SW to ER uisng Archie law 3. Fwd ERT model to obtain apparent resistivities (predicted observation for DA) Parameters ---------- project_name : str name of the current project. ArchieParms : dict Archie params. porosity : np.array([]) medium porosity. pathERT : str path of the ERT forward mesh. meshERT : str filename of the ERT fwd mesh. elecs : TYPE electrode positions. sequenceERT : TYPE ERT sequence. path_fwd_CATHY: list of folder containing CATHY simulation outputs Use for // simulations **kwargs : df_sw : pd df saturation mesh values to convert savefig : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. Returns ------- df_ERT_predicted : pd df Dataframe of predicted ER. df_Archie : pd df Dataframe of the current (given ensemble and given assimilation time) Archie relationship. """ path_CATHY = os.path.join(path_fwd_CATHY, "vtk/") # Some flag for DA assimilation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DA_cnb = None Ens_nbi = int(os.path.split(path_fwd_CATHY)[-1].split("_", 1)[1]) - 1 savefig = False if "DA_cnb" in kwargs: DA_cnb = kwargs["DA_cnb"] if "Ens_nbi" in kwargs: Ens_nbi = kwargs["Ens_nbi"] if "savefig" in kwargs: savefig = kwargs["savefig"] # Get sw array for a given ensemble # ------------------------------------ df_sw = get_sw_ens_i(path_fwd_CATHY, **kwargs) # Read the input mesh using pyvista # ------------------------------------ if DA_cnb is not None: mesh_CATHY_ref =, "vtk/100.vtk")) else: mesh_CATHY_ref ="vtk/100.vtk")) # Choose archie parameter for a given realisation (from the ensemble) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ArchieParms2parse = get_Archie_ens_i(ArchieParms, Ens_nbi) # Convert to SW to ER values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ER_converted_ti = Archie_rho_DA( rFluid_Archie=ArchieParms2parse["rFluid_Archie"], sat=[df_sw], porosity=ArchieParms2parse["porosity"], a_Archie=ArchieParms2parse["a_Archie"], m_Archie=ArchieParms2parse["m_Archie"], n_Archie=ArchieParms2parse["n_Archie"], pert_sigma_Archie=ArchieParms2parse["pert_sigma_Archie"], ) # build df Archie df df_Archie = pd.DataFrame(columns=["time", "ens_nb", "sw", "ER_converted"]) df_Archie["time"] = DA_cnb * np.ones(len(ER_converted_ti)) df_Archie["ens_nbi"] = Ens_nbi * np.ones(len(ER_converted_ti)) df_Archie["sw"] = df_sw df_Archie["ER_converted"] = ER_converted_ti df_Archie["porosity"] = ArchieParms2parse["porosity"] * np.ones( len(ER_converted_ti) ) # print('Correct bug mesh size') # print('-'*12) # print(f'len ER converted vector {len(df_Archie["ER_converted"])}') # print(df_Archie["ER_converted"].describe()) # add attribute converted to CATHY mesh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mesh_CATHY_new_attr, active_attr = mt.add_attribute_2mesh( ER_converted_ti, mesh_CATHY_ref, "ER_converted" + str(DA_cnb), overwrite=True, path=path_CATHY, ) # print('-'*12) # print('fwd mesh CATHY') # print(mesh_CATHY_new_attr) # print('-'*12) if "pygimli" in ERT_meta_dict["data_format"]: # copy attribute to pg mesh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mesh_geophy_new_attr, scalar_new = CATHY_2_pg( mesh_CATHY_new_attr, ERT_meta_dict, scalar="ER_converted" + str(DA_cnb), show=False, path=path_CATHY, **kwargs ) elif "resipy" in ERT_meta_dict["data_format"]: # copy attribute to resipy mesh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mesh_geophy_new_attr, scalar_new = CATHY_2_Resipy( mesh_CATHY_new_attr, ERT_meta_dict, scalar="ER_converted" + str(DA_cnb), show=False, path=path_CATHY, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("Mesh format not recognized") res0 = mesh_geophy_new_attr.get_array(scalar_new) # print('-'*12) # print('mesh_geophy_new_attr') # print(mesh_geophy_new_attr) # print('-'*12) # print(ERT_meta_dict["forward_mesh_vtk_file"]) # import pyvista # mesh2test =["forward_mesh_vtk_file"]) # print('fwd mesh ERT') # print(mesh2test) # print('-'*12) # print('-'*12) # print(len(res0)) # print('-'*12) # # print(sss) # # fwd ERT data # import pygimli as pg # print('-'*12) # print(ERT_meta_dict["forward_mesh_vtk_file"]) # print(pg.load(ERT_meta_dict["forward_mesh_vtk_file"])) # print('-'*12) # import sys # sys.exit() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ print('fwd ER data') if "pygimli" in ERT_meta_dict["data_format"]: ERT_predicted = simuERT.create_ERT_survey_pg( os.path.join(ERT_meta_dict["pathERT"], project_name, "predicted"), sequence=ERT_meta_dict["sequenceERT"], mesh=ERT_meta_dict["forward_mesh_vtk_file"], res0=res0, DAcnb=DA_cnb, pathfig=path_CATHY, **kwargs ) elif "resipy" in ERT_meta_dict["data_format"]: ERT_predicted = simuERT.create_ERT_survey_Resipy( os.path.join(ERT_meta_dict["pathERT"], project_name, "predicted"), sequence=ERT_meta_dict["sequenceERT"], mesh=ERT_meta_dict["forward_mesh_vtk_file"], res0=res0, **kwargs ) # ERT_predicted to dict # ------------------------ d = { "a": ERT_predicted["a"], "b": ERT_predicted["b"], "k": ERT_predicted["k"], "m": ERT_predicted["m"], "n": ERT_predicted["n"], "rhoa": ERT_predicted["rhoa"], "valid": ERT_predicted["valid"], } df_ERT_predicted = pd.DataFrame(data=d) # savefig = True if savefig: print('backup figures') plotter = pv.Plotter(shape=(3, 1), off_screen=True) # notebook = True plotter.subplot(0, 0) mesh_CATHY_df, name_new_attr_CATHY = mt.add_attribute_2mesh( df_sw[-1], mesh_CATHY_ref, "saturation_df", overwrite=True ) mesh_CATHY_df.set_active_scalars("saturation_df") my_colormap = "Blues" _ = plotter.add_mesh(mesh_CATHY_df, cmap=my_colormap, show_edges=False, # clim=[ # 0.3, # 0.7, # ], ) # plotter.update_scalar_bar_range([0, 1]) # max saturation is 1 plotter.show_grid() plotter.subplot(1, 0) mesh_CATHY_new_attr.set_active_scalars(active_attr) _ = plotter.add_mesh( mesh_CATHY_new_attr, show_edges=False, clim=[ min(mesh_CATHY_new_attr[active_attr]), max(mesh_CATHY_new_attr[active_attr]), ], ) plotter.show_grid() plotter.view_xz() plotter.subplot(2, 0) mesh_geophy_new_attr.set_active_scalars(scalar_new) _ = plotter.add_mesh( mesh_geophy_new_attr, show_edges=False, # clim=[ # min(mesh_CATHY_new_attr[active_attr]), # max(mesh_CATHY_new_attr[active_attr]), # ], ) # if "pygimli" in ERT_meta_dict["data_format"]: plotter.view_xy() # plotter.view_xz() # else: # plotter.view_xz() plotter.show_grid() plotname = "suplot_ER" + str(DA_cnb) plotter.save_graphic( path_CATHY + plotname + str(".svg"), title="", raster=True, painter=True ) plotter.close() print('end of ER prediction') return df_ERT_predicted, df_Archie, mesh_CATHY_new_attr
[docs] def Archie_rho_DA( rFluid_Archie=[], sat=[], porosity=[], a_Archie=[1.0], m_Archie=[2.0], n_Archie=[2.0], pert_sigma_Archie=[0], ): # This should be moved to DA Class """ Compute ER values at each mesh nodes. If pert_sigma, add a nornal noise of sigma standart deviation and 0 mean (# See eq. 4.4 thesis Isabelle p.95) Parameters ---------- rFluid : list Conductivity of the pore fluid for each soil zone sat : list Water saturation for each soil zone porosity : list Porosity for each soil zone a : list, optional Tortuosity factor. The default is 1.0. m : list, optional Cementation exponent. The default is 2.0.(usually in the range 1.3 -- 2.5 for sandstones) n : list, optional Saturation exponent. The default is 2.0. pert_sigma_Archie: list, optional Normal noise to add to the data Returns ------- rho: Converted Apparent Electrical Resistivity (Ohm.m). """ verbose = True console = rich.console.Console(stderr=True, quiet=not verbose) # Loop over soil type (as many soil type than a_Archie list length) # ----------------------------------------------- for i in range(len(rFluid_Archie)): # loop over Archie heterogeneity i.e. soil zones # print('!!! shortcut sat[:] is not valid for heteregeneous soil!') rho = ( rFluid_Archie[i] * a_Archie[i] * porosity[i] ** (-m_Archie[i]) * sat[i] ** (-n_Archie[i]) ) sigma = 1 / rho # sat[0] try: # CASE WITH DATA ASSIMILATION for ti in range(np.shape(sigma)[0]): # Loop over assimilation times for meas_nb in range(np.shape(sigma)[1]): # Loop over mesh nodes # See eq. 4.4 thesis Isabelle p.95 # ------------------------------------ noise = np.random.normal( 0, (pert_sigma_Archie[i] * (sigma[ti, meas_nb])) ** 2, len(sigma[ti, :]), ) sigma[ti, :] = sigma[ti, :] + noise if i == 0: # to avoid displaying this for all the soil layers console.rule( ":octopus: Parameter perturbation :octopus:", style="green" ) console.print( """ Archie perturbation for fwd model \n Archie rFluid: {} \n Archie pert_sigma: {} \n Nb of zones (need to check this): {} """.format( rFluid_Archie, pert_sigma_Archie, len(rFluid_Archie) ), style="green", ) console.rule("", style="green") except: if i == 0: print('Add noise to sigma - See eq. 4.4 thesis Isabelle p.95') for meas_nb in range(len(sigma)): # Loop over mesh nodes # See eq. 4.4 thesis Isabelle p.95 # ------------------------------------ noise = np.random.normal( 0, (pert_sigma_Archie[i] * (sigma[meas_nb])) ** 2, 1 ) # See eq. 4.4 thesis Isabelle p.95 sigma[meas_nb] = sigma[meas_nb] + noise print('max res after Archie') print(np.max(1 / sigma)) return 1 / sigma