Source code for sensitivity

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Dependency to the SAlib python package
Iwanaga, T., Usher, W., & Herman, J. (2022). Toward SALib 2.0: Advancing the accessibility and interpretability of global sensitivity analyses. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 4, 18155. doi:10.18174/sesmo.18155
Herman, J. and Usher, W. (2017) SALib: An open-source Python library for sensitivity analysis. Journal of Open Source Software, 2(9). doi:10.21105/joss.00097


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from SALib.analyze import morris as ma
from SALib.plotting import morris as mp
from SALib.sample import morris as ms

[docs] def define_Morris(): """ morris_problem = { # There are six variables 'num_vars': 2, # These are their names 'names': ['PERMX', 'POROS' ], # Plausible ranges over which we'll move the variables 'bounds': [[1e-5, 1e-3], # Ks [0.4, 0.6], # porosity ], # I don't want to group any of these variables together 'groups': None } """ morris_problem = {} return morris_problem
[docs] def samples_generation(number_of_trajectories=24, num_levels=4): samples = ms.sample(morris_problem, number_of_trajectories, num_levels) return samples
[docs] def df_Morris(morris_problem, ref_parms): df_samples = pd.DataFrame(sample, columns=morris_problem["names"]) = "sample" for p in morris_problem["names"]: df_samples["dev_" + p] = 1e2 * (df_samples[p] - ref_parms[p]) / SPP[p] return
def _prepare_CATHY_folders(prj_name): pathexe_list = [] for ii in range(0, len(sample)): path_exe = os.path.join(prj_name + "_sensitivity", "sample" + str(ii + 1)) pathexe_list.append(path_exe) # print(os.path.join(prj_name,prj_name + '_sensitivity/sample' + str(ii+1))) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(prj_name + "_sensitivity", "sample" + str(ii + 1)) ): continue else: shutil.copytree( prj_name, os.path.join(prj_name + "_sensitivity", "sample" + str(ii + 1)), ) return pathexe_list def _update_CATHY_inputs(samples): for ii in range(0, len(samples)): print(str(ii + 1) + "/" + str(len(samples))) print(os.getcwd()) PERMX = PERMY = PERMZ = sample[ii, 0] POROS = sample[ii, 1] SoilPhysProp = { "PERMX": PERMX, "PERMY": PERMY, "PERMZ": PERMZ, "ELSTOR": SPP["ELSTOR"], "POROS": POROS, "VGNCELL": SPP["VGNCELL"], "VGRMCCELL": SPP["VGRMCCELL"], "VGPSATCELL": SPP["VGPSATCELL"], } simu.update_soil(SPP=SoilPhysProp, path=pathexe_list[ii] + "/input/") pass
[docs] def run_sensitivity_analysis(prj_name): pathexe_list = _prepare_CATHY_folders(prj_name) _update_CATHY_inputs(samples) with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as pool: result =, pathexe_list) simu_ensemble = np.zeros((len(obs_data), len(sample))) for ii in range(0, len(sample)): dpsi = simu.read_outputs("psi", path=pathexe_list[ii] + "/output/") dsw = simu.read_outputs("sw", path=pathexe_list[ii] + "/output/") simu_ensemble[:, ii] = np.hstack(dsw) return simu_ensemble
[docs] def analysis_Morris(morris_problem, obs_data, simu_ensemble, samples, err=0.025): rmse = np.zeros((1, len(samples))) for ii in range(0, len(samples)): rmse[0, ii] = err_weighted_rmse( simu_ensemble[:, ii], obs_data, err * obs_data ) # assume 2.5% noise in the data Si = ma.analyze(morris_problem, samples, rmse, print_to_console=True) return Si
[docs] def err_weighted_rmse(sim, obs, noise): y = np.divide(sim - obs, noise) # weighted data misfit y = np.sqrt(np.inner(y, y)) return y
[docs] def plot_Morris(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(Si["mu_star"], Si["sigma"]) # ax.plot(Si['mu_star'],2*Si['sigma']/np.sqrt(number_of_trajectories),'--',alpha=0.5) # ax.plot(np.array([0,Si['mu_star'][0]]),2*np.array([0,Si['sigma'][0]/np.sqrt(number_of_trajectories)]),'--',alpha=0.5) plt.title("Distribution of Elementary effects") plt.xlabel("mean(|EE|)") plt.ylabel("std($EE$)") for i, txt in enumerate(Si["names"]): ax.annotate(txt, (Si["mu_star"][i], Si["sigma"][i])) pass