Source code for cathy_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities for pyCATHY
- Unit conversion and labelling
- Others utilities

import pandas as pd

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# from rosetta import rosetta, SoilData

#%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#############    Unit conversion and label ####################################
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def MPa2m(mpa):
    return mpa * 101.99773339984

[docs] def kPa2m(kpa): return kpa * 0.101971621
def m2kPa(m): return m/0.101971621
[docs] def kPa2cm(kpa): return kpa * 0.101971621 * 1e2
[docs] def transform2_time_delta(t, x_units): """ Time to time delta """ delta_t = pd.to_timedelta(t, unit=x_units) return delta_t
[docs] def convert_time_units(t, x_units): """ convert time units """ xlabel = " (s)" if x_units == "days": xlabel = " (days)" t_new = [x / (24 * 60 * 60) for x in t] t_new = round(t_new[0], 2) if x_units == "hours": xlabel = " (h)" t_new = [x / (60 * 60) for x in t] t_new = round(t_new[0], 1) return xlabel, t_new
# Atmpot-vf (9) : Potential atmospheric forcing (rain +ve / evap -ve) as a volumetric flux [L^3/T] # Atmpot-v (10) : Potential atmospheric forcing volume [L^3] (See parm input file for units) # Atmpot-r (11) : Potential atmospheric forcing rate [L/T] # Atmpot-d (12) : Potential atmospheric forcing depth [L] # Atmact-vf(13) : Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) at atmospheric BC nodes as a volumetric flux [L^3/T] # Atmact-v (14) : Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) volume [L^3] # Atmact-r (15) : Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) rate [L/T] # Atmact-d (16) : Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) depth [L]
[docs] def label_units(units, **kwargs): """ label units """ if units == "SW": label = "Soil Water Content \n ($m^{3}/m^{3}$)" elif units == "PH": label = "Pressure head (m)" elif units == "CKRW": label = "Relative hydraulic conductivity" elif units == "QTRANIE": label = "Root‐zone water uptake" elif units == "Atmpot-vf": label = "ETp (rain +ve / evap -ve) \n ($[L^{3}/T]$)" elif units == "Atmpot-v": label = "ETp volume \n ($[L^{3}]$)" elif units == "Atmpot-r": label = "ETp rate \n ($[L/T]$)" elif units == "Atmpot-d": label = "ETp depth \n ($[L]$)" elif units == "Atmact-vf": label = "Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) \n at atmospheric BC nodes \n as a volumetric flux \n ($[L^3/T]$)" elif units == "Atmact-v": label = "Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) volume \n ($[L^3]$)" elif units == "Atmact-r": label = "Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) rate \n ($[L/T]$)" elif units == "Atmact-d": label = "Actual infiltration (+ve) or exfiltration (-ve) depth \n ($[L]$)" return label
[docs] def change_x2date(time_in_sec, start_date): """change x axis in sec to datetime""" # date0 = pd.to_datetime(start_date, format="%Y%m%d") date0 = pd.to_datetime(start_date) date_label = [date0] date_label_str = [date0.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")] for d in time_in_sec[1:]: date_label.append(date0 + timedelta(seconds=int(d))) date_label_str.append( (date0 + timedelta(seconds=int(d))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) dates = pd.to_datetime(date_label_str, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return dates
#%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############# Other utils functions ############################# ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dictObs_2pd(obs2plot): """transform Observation dictionnary to panda dataframe for a given observation""" df_obs = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(obs2plot).stack().to_frame() df_obs = pd.DataFrame(df_obs[0].values.T.tolist(), index=df_obs.index) df_obs.index.names = ["sensorNameidx", "assimilation time"] return df_obs