Source code for importers.cathy_outputs

"""Reader for CATHY outputs files

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def read_grid3d(grid3dfile, **kwargs):
    nnod, nnod3, nel = np.loadtxt(grid3dfile, max_rows=1)
    grid3d_file = open(grid3dfile, "r")
    mesh_tetra = np.loadtxt(grid3d_file, skiprows=1, max_rows=int(nel))

    grid3d_file = open(grid3dfile, "r")
    mesh3d_nodes = np.loadtxt(
        skiprows=1 + int(nel),
        max_rows=1 + int(nel) + int(nnod3) - 1,
    grid = {
        "nnod": nnod,  # number of surface nodes
        "nnod3": nnod3,  # number of volume nodes
        "nel": nel,
        "mesh3d_nodes": mesh3d_nodes,
        "mesh_tetra": mesh_tetra,
    return grid

def read_fort777(filename, **kwargs):
    0  0.00000000E+00     NSTEP   TIME
    SURFACE NODE              X              Y      ACT. ETRA

    filename : str
        Path to the fort.777 file.
    xyz_df : pd.DataFrame()
        Dataframe containing time_sec,SURFACE NODE,X,Y,ACT. ETRA.

    fort777_file = open(filename, "r")
    lines = fort777_file.readlines()

    nstep = []
    surf_node = []
    idx_nstep = []
    time_nstep = []

    # loop over lines of file and identified NSTEP and SURFACE NODE line nb
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for i, ll in enumerate(lines):
        if "NSTEP" in ll:
            splt = ll.split(" ")
            wes = [string for string in splt if string != ""]

        if "SURFACE NODE" in ll:
            surf_node.append([i, wes[1]])

    nsurfnodes = abs(surf_node[0][0] - surf_node[1][0]) - 2

    # build a numpy array
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    df_fort777 = []
    for i, sn_line in enumerate(surf_node):
        tt = np.ones([nsurfnodes]) * time_nstep[i]
                                            np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=sn_line[0] + 1, max_rows=nsurfnodes).T,

    df_fort777_stack = np.vstack(np.reshape(df_fort777, [np.shape(df_fort777)[0] * np.shape(df_fort777)[1], 5]))
    # fort777_file collumns information
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cols_fort777 = ["time_sec","SURFACE NODE","X","Y","ACT. ETRA"]
    # transform a numpy array into panda df
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    df_fort777 = pd.DataFrame(df_fort777_stack, columns=cols_fort777)
    df_fort777["time"] = pd.to_timedelta(df_fort777["time_sec"], unit="s")
    df_fort777_multiindex = df_fort777.set_index(['time', 'X', 'Y'])
    df_fort777_unique = df_fort777_multiindex[~df_fort777_multiindex.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
    df_fort777_unique = df_fort777_unique.reset_index()

    return df_fort777_unique
[docs] def read_xyz(filename, **kwargs): """ Output of grid in 2d as XYZ values coordinates of each nodes Parameters ---------- filename : str DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- xyz_df : pd.DataFrame() Dataframe containing the coordinates X,Y and Z (elevation) of the mesh nodes. """ xyz = np.loadtxt(filename,skiprows=1) xyz_df = pd.DataFrame(xyz, columns=['id','x','y','z']) return xyz_df
[docs] def read_wtdepth(filename, **kwargs): """ Output of water table depth variations with times Parameters ---------- filename : TYPE DESCRIPTION. **kwargs : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- CUMFLOWVOL : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # wtdepth_df = pd.read_csv(filename, skiprows=1, header=None, sep='\t') wtdepth = np.loadtxt(filename) wtdepth_df = pd.DataFrame(wtdepth, columns=["time (s)", "water table depth (m)"]) return wtdepth_df
[docs] def read_cumflowvol(filename, **kwargs): """ Output of cumulative flow volumes VSFTOT, VNDTOT, VNNTOT, VNUDTOT, and VTOT Parameters ---------- filename : TYPE DESCRIPTION. **kwargs : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- CUMFLOWVOL : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ cumflowvol_file = open(filename, "r") Lines = cumflowvol_file.readlines() count = len(Lines) cumflowvol_file.close() nstep = count - 3 # Number of timesteps cumflowvol_file = open(filename, "r") CUMFLOWVOL = np.loadtxt(cumflowvol_file, skiprows=8, max_rows=8 + nstep) cumflowvol_file.close() return CUMFLOWVOL
[docs] def read_vp(filename): """ Vertical profile output in fixed nodes Returns ------- None. """ vp_file = open(filename, "r") lines = vp_file.readlines() nstep = [] surf_node = [] idx_s_node = [] idx_nstep = [] time_nstep = [] # loop over lines of file and identified NSTEP and SURFACE NODE line nb # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ for i, ll in enumerate(lines): if "NSTEP" in ll: nstep.append(i) splt = ll.split(" ") wes = [string for string in splt if string != ""] idx_nstep.append(wes[0]) time_nstep.append(wes[1]) if "SURFACE NODE =" in ll: surf_node.append([i, wes[1]]) # here we exctract only numeric value types idx_s_node.append([int(s) for s in ll.split() if s.isdigit()]) # check if surf node is not empty # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TO IMPLEMENT # try: # surf_node # except ValueError: # print("Oops! That was no valid number. Try again...") nstrat = abs(surf_node[0][0] - surf_node[1][0]) - 3 # build a numpy array # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dvp = [] for i, sn_line in enumerate(surf_node): tt = np.ones([nstrat]) * float(sn_line[1]) nn = np.ones([nstrat]) * idx_s_node[i] str_nb = np.arange(1, nstrat + 1) dvp.append( np.vstack( [ tt.T, nn.T, str_nb, np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=sn_line[0] + 2, max_rows=nstrat).T, ] ).T ) dvp_stack = np.vstack(np.reshape(dvp, [np.shape(dvp)[0] * np.shape(dvp)[1], 9])) # Vp collumns information # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cols_vp = ["time", "node", "str_nb", "z", "PH", "SW", "CKRW", "zeros", "QTRANIE"] # PH: pressure head # SW: Soil Water # CKRW: Relative hydraulic conductivity output at all nodes # QTRANIE Root‐zone water uptake at current time level always positive, changes sign in BCPIC # dict_vp = {'PH': 'pressure head'} # transform a numpy array into panda df # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ df_vp = pd.DataFrame(dvp_stack, columns=cols_vp) df_vp["time"] = pd.to_timedelta(df_vp["time"], unit="s") return df_vp
[docs] def read_hgraph(filename): """ IOUT41 hgraph Surface runoff hydrograph: plot the computed discharge at the outlet (streamflow) Returns ------- hgraph data numpy array. """ hgraph_file = open(filename, "r") lines = hgraph_file.readlines() hgraph_file.close() nstep = len(lines) - 2 hgraph_file = open(filename, "r") hgraph = np.loadtxt(hgraph_file, skiprows=2, usecols=range(5)) hgraph_file.close() # hgraph collumns information # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cols_hgraph = ["time", "streamflow", "Unnamed0", "Unnamed1", "Unnamed2"] # transform a numpy array into panda df # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ df_hgraph = pd.DataFrame(hgraph, columns=cols_hgraph) return df_hgraph
[docs] def read_dtcoupling(filename): """ CPU, time stepping, iteration and other diagnostics of the surface and subsurface modules at each time step Returns ------- None. """ dtcoupling_file = open(filename, "r") lines = dtcoupling_file.readlines() dtcoupling_file.close() nstep = len(lines) - 31 dtcoupling_file = open(filename, "r") dtcoupling = np.loadtxt(dtcoupling_file, skiprows=2, max_rows=2 + nstep) dtcoupling_file.close() df_dtcoupling = pd.DataFrame(dtcoupling) df_dtcoupling.columns = [ "Step", "Deltat", "Time", "Back", " NL-l", "NL-a", "Sdt-l", "Sdt-a", "Atmpot-vf", "Atmpot-v", "Atmpot-r", "Atmpot-d", "Atmact-vf", "Atmact-v", "Atmact-r", "Atmact-d", "Horton", "Dunne", "Ponded", "Satur", "CPU-sub", "CPU-surf", ] return df_dtcoupling
[docs] def read_sw(filename, **kwargs): """ Water Saturation output at all nodes Returns ------- None. """ sw_file = open(filename, "r") lines = sw_file.readlines() sw_file.close() # nstep = len(lines)-2 idx = [] step_i = [] time_i = [] # loop over lines of file and identified NSTEP and SURFACE NODE line nb # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ for i, ll in enumerate(lines): if "TIME" in ll: # print('TIME') idx.append(i) splt = ll.split() step_i.append(splt[0]) time_i.append(float(splt[1])) idx.append(i + 1) sw_sub = [] for j, ind in enumerate(idx): for i, ll in enumerate(lines): if i > idx[j] and i < idx[j + 1]: splt = ll.split() sw_sub.append([float(k) for k in splt]) sw_sub = np.hstack(sw_sub) d_sw_t = np.reshape( sw_sub, [len(idx) - 1, int(np.shape(sw_sub)[0] / (len(idx) - 1))] ) df_sw_t = pd.DataFrame(d_sw_t, time_i) df_sw_t.index.names = ['Time'] df_sw_t = df_sw_t[~df_sw_t.index.duplicated(keep='first')] # if 'delta_t' in kwargs: # d_sw_t['time'] = pd.to_timedelta(df_hgsfdeth['time'],unit='s') # df_hgsfdeth.pivot_table(values='NET SEEPFACE VOL',index='time').plot(ax=ax[0], # ylabel='NET SEEPFACE VOL', # xlabel='time (s)') return df_sw_t, df_sw_t.index
[docs] def read_psi(filename): """ Pressure head output at all nodes Returns ------- None. """ psi_file = open(filename, "r") lines = psi_file.readlines() psi_file.close() idx = [] step_i = [] time_i = [] # loop over lines of file and identified NSTEP and SURFACE NODE line nb # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ for i, ll in enumerate(lines): if "TIME" in ll: idx.append(i) splt = ll.split() step_i.append(splt[0]) time_i.append(splt[1]) idx.append(i + 1) psi_sub = [] for j, ind in enumerate(idx): for i, ll in enumerate(lines): if i > idx[j] and i < idx[j + 1]: splt = ll.split() psi_sub.append([float(k) for k in splt]) psi_sub = np.hstack(psi_sub) d_psi_t = np.reshape( psi_sub, [len(idx) - 1, int(np.shape(psi_sub)[0] / (len(idx) - 1))] ) # time_i = time_i.astype(float) # Ensure the index is float df_psi_t = pd.DataFrame(d_psi_t, time_i) df_psi_t.index = df_psi_t.index.astype(float) df_psi_t.index.names = ['Time'] df_psi_t = df_psi_t[~df_psi_t.index.duplicated(keep='first')] return df_psi_t
[docs] def read_hgsfdet(filename): """ Detailed seepage face hydrograph output (Incoming and outgoing flows at the seepage face) Returns ------- None. """ # hgsfdet_file = open(filename, "r") # lines = hgsfdet_file.readlines() # hgsfdet_file.close() # nstep = len(lines)-2 hgsfdet_file = open(filename, "r") hgsfdet = np.loadtxt(hgsfdet_file, skiprows=5, usecols=range(5)) hgsfdet_file.close() # hgraph collumns information # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cols_hgsfdet = ["NSTEP", "DELTAT", "time", "NET SEEPFACE VOL", "NET SEEPFACE FLX"] # transform a numpy array into panda df # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ df_hgsfdet = pd.DataFrame(hgsfdet, columns=cols_hgsfdet) return df_hgsfdet
def read_hgatmsf(filename): hgatmsf_file = open(filename, "r") hgatmsf = np.loadtxt(hgatmsf_file) hgatmsf_file.close() df_hgatmsf = pd.DataFrame(hgatmsf) df_hgatmsf.columns = [ '#NSTP', 'DELTAT', 'TIME', 'POT. FLUX', 'ACT. FLUX', 'OVL. FLUX', # The superficial flow, that is the difference between POT.FLUX and ACT.FLUX; 'RET. FLUX', # flusso che dal sotterraneo va al super ciale (return flux); 'SEEP FLUX', 'REC. FLUX', 'REC.VOL.', ] return df_hgatmsf
[docs] def read_mbeconv(filename): """ Mass balance and convergence behaviour at each time step (REL. MBE (%) should be as small as possible) Returns ------- None. """ mbeconv_file = open(filename, "r") lines = mbeconv_file.readlines() mbeconv_file.close() nstep = len(lines) - 2 mbeconv_file = open(filename, "r") mbeconv = np.loadtxt(mbeconv_file, skiprows=2, usecols=range(19)) mbeconv_file.close() # hgraph collumns information # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cols_mbeconv = [ "NSTEP", "DELTAT", "TIME", "NLIN", "AVG.LIN", "STORE1", "STORE2", "DSTORE", "CUM.DSTORE", "VIN", "CUM. VIN", "VOUT", "CUM.VOUT", "VIN+VOUT", "CUM. VIN", "M.BAL.ERR", "REL. MBE", "CUM. MBE", "CUM.", ] # transform a numpy array into panda df # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ df_mbeconv = pd.DataFrame(mbeconv, columns=cols_mbeconv) # plt.plot(df_mbeconv['TIME'],df_mbeconv['CUM. MBE']) # plt.xlabel('Time (hours)') # plt.ylabel('Relative mass balance error (%)') return df_mbeconv
def read_netris(filename, **kwargs): net_ris_file = open(filename, "r") lines = net_ris_file.readlines() net_ris_file.close() netris = [] for i, ll in enumerate(lines[6:]): if "INDCELL_WITH_LAKES" in ll: break lmat = [] splt = ll.split() lmat.append([float(k) for k in splt]) netris.append(lmat) netris = np.vstack(netris) return netris def read_cq(filename, **kwargs): """ Reads cell discharge data from a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to read the data from. Returns ------- np.ndarray A 2D NumPy array containing the cell discharge data. """ # Open the file with open(filename, "r") as cq_file: lines = cq_file.readlines() # Initialize lists to store indices, step numbers, and times idx = [] step_i = [] time_i = [] # Loop over lines of the file to identify steps for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "TIME" in line: idx.append(i) splt = line.split() step_i.append(splt[0]) time_i.append(float(splt[1])) # Initialize a NumPy array to store data cq_sub = np.ones([len(idx), 5]) * -99 # Create a list to store data lines lmat = [] # Loop over lines of the file to extract data for line in lines: splt = line.split() try: # Convert data to float and round to 4 decimal places # lmat.append([np.round(float(k), 4) for k in splt]) lmat.append([float(k) for k in splt]) except ValueError: # Skip lines that cannot be converted to float pass # Convert the list of lists to a NumPy array lmat = np.vstack(lmat) # Reshape the data array d_cq_t = np.reshape(lmat, [len(idx), np.diff(idx)[0] - 2, 5]) # Extract cell discharge data cell_discharge = d_cq_t[:, :, 4] cell_discharge = cell_discharge.T cell_discharge = cell_discharge[:, :-1] return cell_discharge