Source code for pyCATHY.meshtools

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Meshing tools

import os
# from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
# from scipy.spatial import KDTree

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

import pandas as pd

from pyCATHY.plotters import cathy_plots as cplt
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

    import pygimli as pg
    import pygimli.meshtools as mt
except ImportError:
    pygimli = None

import matplotlib.pylab as plt

[docs] def CATHY_2_Simpeg( mesh_CATHY, ERT_meta_dict, scalar="saturation", show=False, **kwargs ): pass
[docs] def CATHY_2_pg(mesh_CATHY, ERT_meta_dict, scalar="saturation", show=False, **kwargs): """ Interpolate CATHY mesh attribute to pygimli mesh. Add a new [`scalar`] attribute to the pygimli mesh (create a new mesh) .. Note: Need to flip axis because convention for CATHY and pygimli are different Parameters ---------- mesh_CATHY : pvmesh CATHY mesh to transform to pygimli. ERT_meta_dict :dict Dictionnary containing ERT metadata (mesh, format, ..). scalar : str, optional scalar attribute to interpolate. The default is 'saturation'. show : bool, optional show the result of the interpolation using pyvista. The default is False. **kwargs : TYPE path : path of the mesh to overwrite Returns ------- mesh_new_attr : TYPE DESCRIPTION. scalar_new : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ if type(ERT_meta_dict["forward_mesh_vtk_file"]) is str: mesh_OUT =["forward_mesh_vtk_file"]) # flip y and z axis as CATHY and pg have different convention for axis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ in_nodes_mod = np.array(mesh_CATHY.points) # in_nodes_mod_pg = np.array(mesh_OUT.points) # mesh_nodes_modif = None if 'mesh_nodes_modif' in ERT_meta_dict: print('mesh transformation before interpolation') in_nodes_mod_m = ERT_meta_dict['mesh_nodes_modif'] else: print('no mesh transformation before interpolation') in_nodes_mod_m = in_nodes_mod[:, :] path = os.getcwd() if "path" in kwargs: path = kwargs["path"] meshCATHY_tmp = mesh_CATHY.copy() data_OUT, warm_0 = trace_mesh( meshCATHY_tmp, mesh_OUT, scalar=scalar, threshold=1e-1, in_nodes_mod=in_nodes_mod_m ) if len(warm_0) > 0: print(warm_0) print('add new attribute to pg mesh') scalar_new = scalar + "_nearIntrp2_pg_msh" if "time" in kwargs: time = kwargs["time"] mesh_new_attr, name_new_attr = add_attribute_2mesh( data_OUT, mesh_OUT, scalar_new, overwrite=True, time=time, path=path ) else: mesh_new_attr, name_new_attr = add_attribute_2mesh( data_OUT, mesh_OUT, scalar_new, overwrite=True, path=path ) print('end of CATHY_2_pg') show = False if show: p = pv.Plotter(window_size=[1024 * 3, 768 * 2], off_screen=True,) #notebook=True) p.add_mesh(mesh_new_attr, scalars=scalar_new) _ = p.add_bounding_box(line_width=5, color="black") cpos = p.save_graphic( 'test21.svg', title="", # raster=True, # painter=True ) p = pv.Plotter(window_size=[1024 * 3, 768 * 2], off_screen=True,) #notebook=True) p.add_mesh(mesh_CATHY, scalars=scalar) _ = p.add_bounding_box(line_width=5, color="black") cpos = return mesh_new_attr, scalar_new
[docs] def CATHY_2_Resipy(mesh_CATHY, mesh_Resipy, scalar="saturation", show=False, **kwargs): # flip y and z axis as CATHY and Resipy have different convention for axis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ in_nodes_mod = np.array(mesh_CATHY.points) in_nodes_mod[:, 2] = -np.flipud(in_nodes_mod[:, 2]) in_nodes_mod[:, 1] = -np.flipud(in_nodes_mod[:, 1]) # check with a plot positon of the nodes for both meshes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # p = pv.Plotter(window_size=[1024*3, 768*2], notebook=True) # p.add_mesh(mesh_CATHY) # _ = p.add_points(np.array(mesh_CATHY.points), render_points_as_spheres=True, # color='red', point_size=20) # _ = p.add_points(in_nodes_mod, render_points_as_spheres=True, # color='blue', point_size=20) # _ = p.show_bounds(grid='front', all_edges=True, font_size=50) # cpos = path = os.getcwd() if "path" in kwargs: path = kwargs["path"] data_OUT = trace_mesh( mesh_CATHY, mesh_Resipy, scalar=scalar, threshold=1e-1, # threshold=1e2, in_nodes_mod=in_nodes_mod, ) # print(len(data_OUT)) scalar_new = scalar + "_nearIntrp2Resipymsh" print('Add new attribute to mesh') # get_array(mesh, name, preference='cell' if "time" in kwargs: time = kwargs["time"] mesh_new_attr, name_new_attr = add_attribute_2mesh( data_OUT, mesh_Resipy, scalar_new, overwrite=True, time=time, path=path ) else: mesh_new_attr, name_new_attr = add_attribute_2mesh( data_OUT, mesh_Resipy, scalar_new, overwrite=True, path=path ) if show == True: p = pv.Plotter(window_size=[1024 * 3, 768 * 2], off_screen=True,) #notebook=True) p.add_mesh(mesh_new_attr, scalars=scalar_new) _ = p.add_bounding_box(line_width=5, color="black") cpos = p.save_graphic( 'test21.svg', title="", raster=True, painter=True ) p = pv.Plotter(window_size=[1024 * 3, 768 * 2], off_screen=True,) #notebook=True) p.add_mesh(mesh_CATHY, scalars=scalar) _ = p.add_bounding_box(line_width=5, color="black") cpos = # if type(meshERT) is str: # meshERTpv = # if savefig == True: # plotter = pv.Plotter(notebook=True) # _ = plotter.add_mesh(mesh_new_attr,show_edges=True) # plotter.view_xz(negative=False) # plotter.show_grid() p.save_graphic( 'test.svg', title="", raster=True, painter=True ) return mesh_new_attr, scalar_new
[docs] def trace_mesh(meshIN, meshOUT, scalar, threshold=1e-1, **kwargs): """ Trace meshIN on meshOUT using nearest neigbour interpolation Parameters ---------- meshIN : TYPE DESCRIPTION. meshOUT : TYPE DESCRIPTION. threshold : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 1e-1. Returns ------- out_data : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ in_nodes_mod = kwargs["in_nodes_mod"] meshIN.set_active_scalars(scalar) # meshIN.points = in_nodes_mod meshOUT.points = in_nodes_mod # len(in_nodes_mod) # print(meshIN.points) # set_interpolation_radius() rd = max(np.diff(meshIN.points[:, 0])) / 1 meshOUT_interp = meshOUT.interpolate(meshIN, radius=rd, pass_point_data=True ) # plot_2d_interpolation_quality(meshIN,scalar,meshOUT,meshOUT_interp) result = meshOUT_interp.point_data_to_cell_data() out_data = result[scalar] # out_data = np.where(out_data == 0, 1e-3, out_data) out_data = np.where(out_data == 0, np.min(out_data)+1e-3, out_data) warm_0 = "" if len(np.where(out_data == 1e-3)) > 0: warm_0 = f"interpolation created 0 values - replacing them by min value {np.min(out_data)+1e-3} of input CATHY predicted ER mesh" warm_0 = f"min {np.min(out_data)}, max {np.min(out_data)}, median {np.median(out_data)} " return out_data, warm_0
[docs] def set_interpolation_radius(): # rd= min([abs(min(np.diff(meshIN.points[:,0]))), # abs(min(np.diff(meshIN.points[:,1]))), # abs(min(np.diff(meshIN.points[:,2]))) # ] # ) pass
[docs] def plot_2d_interpolation_quality(meshIN, scalar, meshOUT, result): # fig = plt.figure() # ax1 = plt.subplot(131) # # print(max(meshIN[scalar])) # # print(min(meshIN[scalar])) # # meshIN.points[:,0].min() # # meshOUT.points[:,0].min() # # meshOUT.points[:,0].max() # # meshOUT.points[:,1].min() # # meshOUT.points[:,1].max() # cm ='RdYlBu') # # result = meshOUT.interpolate(meshIN, radius=rd, pass_point_data=True) # sc = ax1.scatter(meshIN.points[:,0],meshIN.points[:,1],c=meshIN[scalar],label='meshIN[scalar]', # s=35, cmap=cm) # plt.colorbar(sc) cm ="RdYlBu") # # fig = plt.figure() fig, axs = plt.subplots(2) # ax2 = plt.subplot(121) sc = axs[0].scatter( meshIN.points[:, 0], meshIN.points[:, 1], c=meshIN[scalar], label="meshIN[scalar]", s=35, cmap=cm, ) # ,vmin=min(meshIN[scalar]), vmax=max(meshIN[scalar]) axs[0].set_xlim([min(meshIN.points[:, 0]), max(meshIN.points[:, 0])]) axs[0].set_ylim([min(meshIN.points[:, 1]), max(meshIN.points[:, 1])]) # fig = plt.figure() # ax3 = plt.subplot(122) sc = axs[1].scatter( meshOUT.points[:, 0], meshOUT.points[:, 1], c=result[scalar], label="result[scalar]", s=35, cmap=cm, ) axs[1].set_xlim([min(meshIN.points[:, 0]), max(meshIN.points[:, 0])]) axs[1].set_ylim([min(meshIN.points[:, 1]), max(meshIN.points[:, 1])]) import matplotlib.ticker as ticker def fmt(x, pos): a, b = "{:.2e}".format(x).split("e") b = int(b) return r"${} \times 10^{{{}}}$".format(a, b) plt.colorbar(sc, format=ticker.FuncFormatter(fmt)) # plt.tight_layout() def uniquify(path): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(path) counter = 1 while os.path.exists(path): path = filename + str(counter) + extension counter += 1 return path savedir = os.getcwd() savename_test = os.path.join(savedir, "interpolation_q.png") savename = uniquify(savename_test) # print(savename) plt.savefig(savename) # pass
# def find_nearest_cellcenter(node_coord,meshIN_nodes_coords,threshold=1e-1, # **kwargs): # ''' # Find nearest mesh node between two meshes # Parameters # ---------- # node_coord : np.array # meshIN_nodes_coords : np.array # threshold : float # if distance > threshold --> closest = nan # Returns # ------- # closest_idx : list # Node indice in the mesh_node. # closest : list # Node coordinate in the mesh_node. # ''' # closest_idx = [] # closest = [] # # for i, nc in enumerate(cell_coords): # # euclidean distance # d = ( (meshIN_nodes_coords[:,0] - node_coord[0]) ** 2 + # (meshIN_nodes_coords[:,1] - node_coord[1]) ** 2 + # (meshIN_nodes_coords[:,2] - node_coord[2]) ** 2 # ) ** 0.5 # closest_idx.append(np.argmin(d)) # closest.append(np.vstack(meshIN_nodes_coords[closest_idx,:])) # if d[np.argmin(d)]>threshold: # closest = 'nan' # return closest_idx, closest
[docs] def find_nearest_node(node_coord, meshIN_nodes_coords, threshold=1e-1, **kwargs): """ Find nearest mesh node between two meshes Parameters ---------- node_coord : np.array meshIN_nodes_coords : np.array threshold : float if distance > threshold --> closest = nan Returns ------- closest_idx : list Node indice in the mesh_node. closest : list Node coordinate in the mesh_node. """ closest_idx = [] closest = [] # for i, nc in enumerate(cell_coords): # euclidean distance d = ( (meshIN_nodes_coords[:, 0] - node_coord[0]) ** 2 + (meshIN_nodes_coords[:, 1] - node_coord[1]) ** 2 + (meshIN_nodes_coords[:, 2] - node_coord[2]) ** 2 ) ** 0.5 closest_idx.append(np.argmin(d)) closest.append(np.vstack(meshIN_nodes_coords[closest_idx, :])) if d[np.argmin(d)] > threshold: closest = "nan" return closest_idx, closest
[docs] def add_attribute_2mesh( data, mesh, name="ER_pred", overwrite=True, saveMesh=False, **kwargs ): """ add a new mesh attribute to a vtk file Parameters ---------- data : TYPE DESCRIPTION. mesh : TYPE DESCRIPTION. name : TYPE DESCRIPTION. overwrite : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. **kwargs : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ # for k in kwargs: # print(k) # print(mesh) if type(mesh) is str: mesh = try: mesh.point_data[name] = data except: mesh.cell_data[name] = data meshname = name + ".vtk" saveMesh = True if saveMesh: path = os.getcwd() if "path" in kwargs: path = kwargs["path"] if "time" in kwargs: time = kwargs["time"] meshname = name + str(time) + ".vtk" + meshname, binary=False) else: + meshname, binary=False) print(path + meshname) # if overwrite==True: # return mesh, name
[docs] def trace_mesh_pg(meshIN, meshOUT, method="spline", **kwargs): """ Interpolate CATHY mesh (structured) into pygimli mesh (structured) using pygimli meshtools # Specify interpolation method 'linear, 'spline', 'harmonic' """ meshIN = pg.load(meshIN) meshOUT = pg.load(meshOUT) out_data = pg.interpolate(meshIN["ER_converted_CATHYmsh*"], meshOUT, method=method) return out_data
[docs] def map_layers_2_DEM(layers, DEM, zone, dem_parameters): ltop, lbot = get_layer_depths(dem_parameters) zone3d_layers_top, zone3d_layer_bot = get_zone3d_layer_depths(zone, dem_parameters) dem_mat3d_layers_top = [DEM - zz for zz in zone3d_layers_top] dem_mat3d_layers_bot = [DEM - zz for zz in zone3d_layer_bot] zone3d_topflag = [] for li in range(dem_parameters["nstr"]): zone3d_topflag_li = np.ones(np.shape(dem_mat3d_layers_top[0])) bool_top_lli = [] for ll in layers.keys(): layers_adj_top = DEM - abs(layers[ll][0]) layers_adj_bot = DEM - abs(layers[ll][1]) # differences between top of the layer i of the mesh and top of the desired layer # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff_top = dem_mat3d_layers_top[li] - layers_adj_top cond1 = diff_top <= 1e-2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff_bot = dem_mat3d_layers_bot[li] - layers_adj_bot cond2 = diff_bot <= 1e-2 # print('lmeshi'+str(li), # ll,layers[ll],np.mean(diff_top),np.mean(diff_bot),cond1[0][0],cond2[0][0]) # if li<dem_parameters["nstr"]-1: # cond2 = abs(diff)<= abs(dem_mat3d_layers_top[li+1] - dem_mat3d_layers_top[li]) # else: # cond2 = np.ones(np.shape(diff),dtype=bool) bool_top_lli = cond1 & cond2 zone3d_topflag_li[bool_top_lli] = ll zone3d_topflag.append(zone3d_topflag_li) zone3d_topflag = np.array(zone3d_topflag) return zone3d_topflag
[docs] def get_zone3d_layer_depths(zone_raster, dem_parameters): ''' Return a 3d matrice with dimension [Number of layers, X cells, Y cells] Parameters ---------- zone_raster : TYPE DESCRIPTION. dem_parameters : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION. ''' zone3d_top = [] zone3d_bot = [] zone3d_raster = np.array([zone_raster] * dem_parameters["nstr"]) for li in range(dem_parameters["nstr"]): top, bot = get_layer_depth(dem_parameters, li) zone3d_top.append(zone3d_raster[li] * top) zone3d_bot.append(zone3d_raster[li] * bot) return np.array(zone3d_top), np.array(zone3d_bot)
[docs] def get_layer_depths(dem_parameters): layers_top = [] layers_bottom = [] for li in range(dem_parameters["nstr"]): layeri_top, layeri_bottom = get_layer_depth(dem_parameters, li) layers_top.append(layeri_top) layers_bottom.append(layeri_bottom) return layers_top, layers_bottom
[docs] def get_layer_depth(dem_parameters, li): if type(dem_parameters["zratio(i),i=1,nstr"]) != list: dempar = dem_parameters["zratio(i),i=1,nstr"].split("\t") dempar_ratio = [float(d) for d in dempar] else: dempar_ratio = [float(d) for d in dem_parameters["zratio(i),i=1,nstr"]] if li == 0: layeri_top = 0 else: layeri_top = np.cumsum(dempar_ratio[0:li])[-1] * (dem_parameters["base"]) if (li + 1) < len(dempar_ratio): layeri_bottom = np.cumsum(dempar_ratio[0 : li + 1])[-1] * ( dem_parameters["base"] ) else: layeri_bottom = dem_parameters["base"] return layeri_top, layeri_bottom
[docs] def zone3d(zone, dem_parameters): # define zone in 3dimension - duplicate number of layer (nstr) times # --------------------------------------------------------------- zones3d = [zone] * dem_parameters["nstr"] # fig, axs = plt.subplots( # int(dem_parameters["nstr"] / 2) + 1, # 2, # sharex=True, # sharey=(True), # constrained_layout=False, # ) # plt.tight_layout() # axs = axs.ravel() # for li in range(dem_parameters["nstr"]): # layeri_top, layeri_bottom = get_layer_depth(dem_parameters, li) # layer_str = ( # "[" + str(f"{layeri_top:.2E}") + "-" + str(f"{layeri_bottom:.2E}") + "]" # ) # pmesh = cplt.show_raster( # zones3d[li], prop=layer_str, cmap="jet", ax=axs[li], vmin=0, vmax=1 # ) # plt.colorbar(pmesh, ax=axs[:], location="right", shrink=0.6, cmap="jet") # plt.tight_layout() return zones3d
[docs] def create_layers_inzones3d(simu, zones3d, layers_names, layers_depths=[[0, 1e99]]): # Loop over layers and zones and change flag if depth conditions is not respected # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- zones3d_layered = np.ones(np.shape(zones3d)) for li in range(simu.dem_parameters["nstr"]): layeri_top, layeri_bottom = get_layer_depth(simu, li) # layer_str = '[' + str(layeri_top) + '-' + str(layeri_bottom) + ']' for zi in range(len(layers_names)): print("layers %i analysis" % zi) # print(layers_depths[zi][0]) # print(layeri_top) # print(layers_depths[zi][1]) # print(layeri_bottom) zi = 0 # print(layers_depths[zi][0]<=layeri_top) # if depth of zone i is sup to mesh layers depth # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # if (layers_depths[zi][0]>=layeri_top) & (layers_depths[zi][1]<layeri_bottom): if (layers_depths[zi][0] <= layeri_top) & ( layers_depths[zi][1] >= layeri_bottom ): # if (depths_ordered[zi][1]>=layeri_bottom): print("conds ok --> zi:" + str(zi)) print(layers_depths[zi]) print(layeri_top, layeri_bottom) zones3d_layered[li][zones3d[li] == zi + 1] = zi + 2 print( "replacing " + str(np.sum(zones3d[li] == zi + 1)) + " values by" + str(zi + 1) ) if 10.5 * layers_depths[zi][1] < layeri_bottom: raise ValueError( "Required layer is finer than mesh layers - refine mesh" ) else: print("conds not ok") print(layers_depths[zi]) print(layeri_top, layeri_bottom) return zones3d_layered
[docs] def plot_zones3d_layered(simu, zones3d_layered): fig, axs = plt.subplots( int(simu.dem_parameters["nstr"] / 2) + 1, 2, sharex=False, sharey=(False), constrained_layout=False, ) axs = axs.flat for li in range(simu.dem_parameters["nstr"]): layeri_top, layeri_bottom = get_layer_depth(simu, li) layer_str = "[" + str(layeri_top) + "-" + str(layeri_bottom) + "]" pmesh = cplt.show_raster( zones3d_layered[li], prop=layer_str, # , cmap='jet', ax=axs[li], vmin=0, vmax=2, ) plt.colorbar(pmesh, ax=axs[:], location="right", shrink=0.6, cmap="jet") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def het_soil_layers_mapping_generic( simu, propertie_names, SPP, layers_names, layers_depths ): # extend to 3d the zone raster file # ----------------------------------- zones3d = zone3d(simu) # insert layers flag into the 3d the zone raster file # ----------------------------------- zones3d_layered = create_layers_inzones3d( simu, zones3d, layers_names, layers_depths ) # plot 3d zones files layered # ------------------------------------------ plot_zones3d_layered(simu, zones3d_layered) # np.shape(zones3d_layered) # np.shape(zones3d_axis_swap) # Loop over soil properties names # ------------------------------------------------- index_raster = np.arange(0, simu.hapin["N"] * simu.hapin["M"]) zones3d_axis_swap = np.swapaxes(zones3d_layered, 0, 2) prop_df = [] # properties dataframe layers_id = ["L" + str(i + 1) for i in range(simu.dem_parameters["nstr"])] layers_id = np.flipud(layers_id) for i, p in enumerate(propertie_names): p_df = np.zeros(np.shape(zones3d_axis_swap)) # Loop over soil layers and assign value of soil properties # ------------------------------------------------- for k, lname in enumerate(layers_names): p_df[zones3d_axis_swap == k + 1] = SPP[k][i] df_tmp = pd.DataFrame( np.vstack(p_df), columns=layers_id, index=index_raster, ) prop_df.append(df_tmp) SoilPhysProp_df_het_layers_p = pd.concat(prop_df, axis=1, keys=propertie_names) = "id raster" SoilPhysProp_df_het_layers_p.columns.names = ["soilp", "layerid"] SPP_map_dict = {} for p in propertie_names: SPP_map_dict[p] = [] for li in range(simu.dem_parameters["nstr"]): v = SoilPhysProp_df_het_layers_p.iloc[0][p].loc["L" + str(li + 1)] SPP_map_dict[p].append(v) return SoilPhysProp_df_het_layers_p, SPP_map_dict
def _subplot_cellsMarkerpts(mesh_pv_attributes, xyz_layers0, xyzlayers1): pl = pv.Plotter(shape=(1, 2)) # pl.add_mesh(mesh_pv_attributes, # show_edges=True, # ) pl.show_grid() actor = pl.add_points( xyz_layers0[:, :-1], point_size=10, scalars=xyz_layers0[:, -1], ) pl.subplot(0, 1) pl.show_grid() actor = pl.add_points( xyzlayers1[:, :-1], point_size=10, scalars=xyzlayers1[:, -1], ) def _plot_cellsMarkerpts(mesh_pv_attributes, xyz_layers): pl = pv.Plotter() pl.add_mesh(mesh_pv_attributes, show_edges=True, opacity=0.4) pl.show_grid() actor = pl.add_points( xyz_layers[:, :-1], point_size=10, scalars=xyz_layers[:, -1], ) pl.set_scale(zscale=5) def _build_xyz_marker_mat_squareDEM( zones3d_layered, mesh_pv_attributes, hapin, dem_parameters, workdir, project_name, to_nodes, ): ''' DEPRECATED FOR _find_nearest_point2DEM''' # top, bot = get_layer_depth(dem_parameters,li) # get layers properties # ---------------------------------------------------------------- dempar = dem_parameters["zratio(i),i=1,nstr"].split("\t") dempar_ratio = [float(d) for d in dempar] layeri_top = [] layeri_top = [ np.cumsum(dempar_ratio[0 : li + 1])[-1] * (dem_parameters["base"]) for li in range(dem_parameters["nstr"]) ] layeri_top.insert(0, 0) layeri_center = [ (layeri_top[lti + 1] + layeri_top[lti]) / 2 for lti in range(len(layeri_top) - 1) ] # get dem coordinates # ---------------------------------------------------------------- y, x = cplt.get_dem_coords(dem, hapin=hapin) # build dem coordinates of the size of the DEM # ---------------------------------------------------------------- xn = [np.ones(len(y)) * xu for xu in np.unique(x)] xn = np.hstack(xn) yn = np.tile(y, len(x)) xyz = np.c_[ xn - dem_parameters["delta_x"] / 2, yn - dem_parameters["delta_y"] / 2, np.hstack(dem.T), ] xyz_celldown = np.c_[ xn - dem_parameters["delta_x"] / 4, yn - dem_parameters["delta_y"] / 4, np.hstack(dem.T), ] xyz_cellup = np.c_[ xn + dem_parameters["delta_x"] / 4, yn + dem_parameters["delta_y"] / 4, np.hstack(dem.T), ] xyz_cells = np.r_[xyz_cellup, xyz_celldown] # len(xyz_cellup) xyz_nodes = np.c_[xn, yn, np.hstack(dem.T)] # meshpts = mesh_pv_attributes.points # cellpts = mesh_pv_attributes.cell_centers().points xyz_layers_nodes = [] for i, li in enumerate(layeri_top[:-1]): marker_zone = np.ravel(zones3d_layered[i]) xyz_layers_nodes.append( np.c_[xyz_nodes[:, 0:2], xyz_nodes[:, 2] - li, marker_zone] ) xyz_layers = [] for i, li in enumerate(layeri_center[:]): marker_zone = np.ravel(zones3d_layered[i]) xyz_layers.append(np.c_[xyz[:, 0:2], xyz[:, 2] - li, marker_zone]) xyz_layers_cells_top = [] for i, li in enumerate(layeri_top[:-1]): marker_zone = np.hstack([np.ravel(zones3d_layered[i])] * 2) xyz_layers_cells_top.append( np.c_[xyz_cells[:, 0:2], xyz_cells[:, 2] - li, marker_zone] ) xyz_layers_cells_cent = [] for i, li in enumerate(layeri_center[:]): marker_zone = np.hstack([np.ravel(zones3d_layered[i])] * 2) xyz_layers_cells_cent.append( np.c_[xyz_cells[:, 0:2], xyz_cells[:, 2] - li, marker_zone] ) xyz_layers = np.vstack(xyz_layers) xyz_layers_nodes = np.vstack(xyz_layers_nodes) xyz_layers_cells = np.vstack(np.r_[xyz_layers_cells_top, xyz_layers_cells_cent] ) _plot_cellsMarkerpts(mesh_pv_attributes, xyz_layers, workdir, project_name) _find_nearest_point2DEM( to_nodes, mesh_pv_attributes, xyz_layers_cells, xyz_layers_nodes, ) def _find_nearest_point2DEM( to_nodes, mesh_pv_attributes, xyz_layers_cells=[], xyz_layers_nodes=[], saveMeshPath=None, ): if to_nodes: # loop over mesh cell centers and find nearest point to dem # ---------------------------------------------------------------- node_markers = [] for nmesh in mesh_pv_attributes.points: # euclidean distance d = ( (xyz_layers_nodes[:, 0] - nmesh[0]) ** 2 + (xyz_layers_nodes[:, 1] - nmesh[1]) ** 2 + (xyz_layers_nodes[:, 2] - nmesh[2]) ** 2 )** 0.5 node_markers.append(xyz_layers_nodes[np.argmin(d), 3]) # add data to the mesh # ---------------------------------------------------------------- mesh_pv_attributes["node_markers_old"] = node_markers else: # Get the mesh cell centers cell_centers = mesh_pv_attributes.cell_centers().points # Create a KDTree from xyz_layers_cells tree = KDTree(xyz_layers_cells[:, :3]) # Find the nearest neighbors for each cell center distances, indices = tree.query(cell_centers, k=1) # Get the cell_markers values based on the nearest neighbors cell_markers = xyz_layers_cells[indices, 3] # Add the data to the mesh mesh_pv_attributes["cell_markers"] = cell_markers nodepv = mesh_pv_attributes.cell_data_to_point_data() noderounded = [np.ceil(npv) for npv in nodepv.point_data['cell_markers']] mesh_pv_attributes['node_markers_new'] = noderounded if saveMeshPath is not None:,binary=False)
[docs] def add_markers2mesh( zones3d_layered, dem, mesh_pv_attributes, dem_parameters, hapin, grid3d, to_nodes=False, show=False, saveMeshPath=None, ): # Reduce all to 1D # ------------------------------------------------------------------ zones3d_layers_array = np.ravel(zones3d_layered) x, y = cplt.get_dem_coords(dem,hapin=hapin) dem_flip = dem # Get layer top and bottom # ------------------------------------------------------------------ zone3d_top = [] zone3d_bot = [] for li in range(dem_parameters["nstr"]): top, bot = get_layer_depth(dem_parameters, li) zone3d_top.append(np.ones(np.shape(zones3d_layered[li]))*top) zone3d_bot.append(np.ones(np.shape(zones3d_layered[li]))*bot) zone3d_top = np.array(zone3d_top) zone3d_bot = np.array(zone3d_bot) if to_nodes: dem_mat3d_layers = [dem_flip - zz for zz in zone3d_top-(zone3d_top-zone3d_bot)/2] else: dem_mat3d_layers = [dem_flip - zz for zz in zone3d_top-(zone3d_top-zone3d_bot)/2] # Create a regular mesh from the DEM x and y coordinates and elevation # ------------------------------------------------------------------ xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) grid_coords_dem = np.array( [ np.ravel(xgrid), np.ravel(ygrid), ] ).T # Reduce all to 1D # ------------------------------------------------------------------ dem_mat_stk = np.ravel(dem_mat3d_layers) # dem_mat_stk = np.fliplr(dem_mat_stk) grid_coords_stk_rep = np.vstack(np.array([grid_coords_dem] * dem_parameters["nstr"])) zones3d_col_stk = np.ravel(zones3d_layered) xyz_layers = np.c_[grid_coords_stk_rep, dem_mat_stk, zones3d_col_stk] # Plot to check position of points VS mesh # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if show: _plot_cellsMarkerpts(mesh_pv_attributes, xyz_layers, ) #%% # print('_find_nearest_point2DEM') # Assign marker to mesh and overwrite it # ------------------------------------------------------------------ _find_nearest_point2DEM( to_nodes, mesh_pv_attributes, xyz_layers, xyz_layers, saveMeshPath )