


DA.cathy_DA.track(sequence: Sequence[ProgressType] | Iterable[ProgressType], description: str = 'Working...', total: float | None = None, auto_refresh: bool = True, console: Console | None = None, transient: bool = False, get_time: Callable[[], float] | None = None, refresh_per_second: float = 10, style: str | Style = 'bar.back', complete_style: str | Style = 'bar.complete', finished_style: str | Style = 'bar.finished', pulse_style: str | Style = 'bar.pulse', update_period: float = 0.1, disable: bool = False, show_speed: bool = True) Iterable[ProgressType][source]#

Track progress by iterating over a sequence.

  • sequence (Iterable[ProgressType]) – A sequence (must support “len”) you wish to iterate over.

  • description (str, optional) – Description of task show next to progress bar. Defaults to “Working”.

  • total – (float, optional): Total number of steps. Default is len(sequence).

  • auto_refresh (bool, optional) – Automatic refresh, disable to force a refresh after each iteration. Default is True.

  • transient – (bool, optional): Clear the progress on exit. Defaults to False.

  • console (Console, optional) – Console to write to. Default creates internal Console instance.

  • refresh_per_second (float) – Number of times per second to refresh the progress information. Defaults to 10.

  • style (StyleType, optional) – Style for the bar background. Defaults to “bar.back”.

  • complete_style (StyleType, optional) – Style for the completed bar. Defaults to “bar.complete”.

  • finished_style (StyleType, optional) – Style for a finished bar. Defaults to “bar.finished”.

  • pulse_style (StyleType, optional) – Style for pulsing bars. Defaults to “bar.pulse”.

  • update_period (float, optional) – Minimum time (in seconds) between calls to update(). Defaults to 0.1.

  • disable (bool, optional) – Disable display of progress.

  • show_speed (bool, optional) – Show speed if total isn’t known. Defaults to True.


Iterable[ProgressType] – An iterable of the values in the sequence.