


plotters.cathy_plots.show_vtk(filename=None, unit='pressure', timeStep=0, notebook=False, path=None, savefig=False, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot vtk file using pyvista :param filename: Name of the file. The default is None. :type filename: str, optional :param unit: [‘pressure’, ‘saturation’, ‘ER’, ‘permeability’, ‘velocity’] . The default is pressure. :type unit: str, optional :param timeStep: Time step to plot. The default is 0. :type timeStep: int, optional :param notebook: Option to plot in a notebook. The default is False. :type notebook: bool, optional :param path: Path of the vtk file. The default is None. :type path: str, optional :param savefig: Save figure. The default is False. :type savefig: bool, optional :param **kwargs: mainly plotting adjustements to pass into Pyvista.